The Business Blog Tour for Wayne McVicker’s Book: Starting Something, stops here in Thursday. His web site descibes the book as:

What could be behind those words? This captivating tale of Neoforma not only reveals the answer, but immerses you in it. The year is 2000. The place is Silicon Valley. Wayne McVicker’s young company was one of the darlings of the dotcom boom. In four short years it had grown from the seed of a good idea into a publicly-traded company worth $3 billion.

This is a story about people caught up in the spell of “starting something” that takes on a life of its own. You’re there for the start-up, the growth, the rounds of investors, the IPO, the struggles against huge competitors, and yes, the infighting, backbiting, and greed. All the characters are here – the good, the bad, and the downright nasty. In this piercingly honest and highly personal narrative, you’ll get an insider’s view of the evolution and devolution of a good idea gone public. You also get an unflinching look at both the dark and the bright sides of corporate culture.

Maybe you’re an entrepreneur looking to grow your own idea. Maybe you’re a business professional interested in a real-world study of corporate culture. Or maybe you just enjoy a wild tale well told. Whatever your motivation for reading this book, Starting Something engages you with a great story, and delivers a wealth of insight and information told on a very human level.