As I have stated many times before, I am addicted to multitasking.  I am convinced it will be my downfall since it affects my work.  I always try to accomplish too much in too short a period of time.  Quality suffers.  My sanity suffers.

We often brag about the benefits of multitasking. Whether it’s talking on the phone while we are in the car or answering email while on a conference call, we are constantly moving faster and faster.  The modern business person says it’s the way to get things done…is this fact or fiction?  Does it really improve our productivity?  Do we actually get more done or is it really a distraction that prevents us from doing our best work?  Does it cause brain damage?

Here is my recent interview on WGN Radio with Bill Moller as I talk about how to conquer our addiction.

Listen to the interview on Multitasking with Bill Moller on his morning show!