Guest Post by Carol Roth 

CNBC Contributor, Recovering Investment Banker, and Bestselling Author

Media and its various components, from a 24-hour news cycle to social media, have created an “I want it now” society. We seek immediate gratification, as almost anything in the universe that we desire is just a quick mouse click away, and anyone we want to connect with is just a text, email, or tweet away. We no longer place a lot of value on that whole tenet of “patience is a virtue.”

In the business arena, this is intensified, as we celebrate overnight sensations. However, when it comes to business, what’s often left out of the story is that the overnight sensation was decades in the making.

Barry Moltz is one of those overnight entrepreneurial sensations, working for decades to hone his craft, brand, and business. So, in honor of the 10th anniversary of his blog, I thought it would be helpful to give you some best practices that you can learn from Barry, so that you can become an overnight sensation just like him:

Doing the Work: A willingness to do whatever it takes–and not complain about it–is more of an art than a science. Barry is constantly traveling, attending conferences, speaking, and doing anything necessary to help take his business to the next level.

Being a Mensch: “Mensch” is a Yiddish word that roughly translates into “being generous in spirit.”  Barry believes in collaboration over competition, brings opportunities to those that he thinks are good resources, and is always ready to lend a helping hand.

Staying the Course: Barry knows the value of sticking to what works and doing it over and over again, instead of chasing every new opportunity. He has done more than 100 episodes of his Business Insanity podcast, which has garnered him fantastic sponsors and awareness. He has refined his speaking skills by practicing over and over again across the country, which has generated interest and recurring clients out of major corporate clients.

Persistence: Barry knows that sometimes “no” means “not right now” and not “never.” He is willing to follow-back up on opportunities, continue to add value to clients, and to stay diligent when it matters the most.

Cultivating Relationships: Barry, probably from being a mensch as noted above, is great at creating and nurturing relationships with good people. Having strong allies allows for rising tides to lift all boats.

Time: Being an overnight sensation takes time. Barry has leveraged decades of owning his own businesses, owned his successes and failures, and built his brand one step at a time. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of a blog, an endeavor that takes a lot of effort and focus, allows us to learn from the types of things that overnight successes like Barry do well.

Media Exposure: Like all true overnight sensations with decades of experience, Barry knows that it doesn’t matter how much experience you have–once you have been quoted or are on television, you are immediately a successful expert!

Hopefully, you can learn from Barry and follow in his footsteps to be an overnight sensation decades in the making.