Today is April Fool’s Day. It may be a day where someone plays a practical joke on you or your company. Ten years ago, I wrote about the origin of the day and the best ones in business.

So while you may be an April Fool today, tomorrow you might go back to being a business fool. Here are reasons why you may be a fool in your business:

1. You never review your financial statements. You foolishly think you have a handle on the financial results in the company without looking at the numbers.

2. You only hire people worse than you. Your foolish ego of having to be the best and the smartest in your company gets in the way.

3. You think someone is coming to save you. You foolish think that the next customer or employee will be the magic that propels your company to the next level.

4. You let today’s emergencies dictate your plan. You foolishly let the plan for the day fall apart by interruptions as soon as you hit the office.

5. You take dangerous risks. You foolishly take big and unnecessary risks with little return.

6. Your fear of rejection foolishly stops you from selling. So sales never goes up.

7. You foolishly go on social media web sites without a business purpose. You end up wasting a lot of time.

8. You hire only for skills, not attitude. You foolishly think that skills are the most important hiring metric.

9. You think that customer service is a cost center. You foolishly ignore that with social media, customer service is the new marketing.

10. You never ask for help. This is indeed foolish. No one can do it themselves.

Will you stop being such a fool. Help is on the way.