1. Give a One Time $30K Federal Tax Rebate to Hire a New Employee. Why should big businesses deemed too big to fail get all the help? Give us a one time rebate for hiring an employee. This will help grow the economy and will keep unemployment going down! Yes, We Can.

2. Eliminate Employer Matching Federal Withholding Tax for Businesses less than 9 people. This will encourage the more than 4M businesses that qualify to hire people full time instead of trying to skirt the laws and use freelancers. More money would go to the employee instead of the myriad of government taxes that businesses must adhere to with payroll. Yes, We Can.

3. Free up the Lines of business credit.  We are suffocating with the lack of cash to grow our businesses. Banks won’t lend us money. Our home equity lines are getting cut as a result of falling values. Credit card companies are freezing their cards or asking for immediate payment. Large corporations are stretching out their payments to us to help their balance sheet. We can’t be the bankers to the business world and still pay our bills. If banks won’t do it, have the Small Business Administration (SBA) step in with an online application for easy access and approval. If credit card companies can do business this way, why can’t the SBA? Yes, We Can.

4. Relieve the Health Insurance Burden. The small business owner is being crushed by 30% annual increases in health care costs. Employees are losing their jobs as a result.  Imagine if you had a business where you could increase your prices 30% a year and offer less service. That is exactly what insurance companies do. We need relief and a plan to stop these annual outrageous cost increases that slice profit from our businesses. Yes, We Can.

5. Keep the Capital Gains Tax Low – During his campaign, President Obama proposed to raise the capital gains tax. We need to keep this low at 15%. Small business owners and entrepreneurs work to build a valuable business and we want to sell it for what many times is a gain for our life’s work. We should be able to keep most of the money as a result of the risk we took. Yes, We Can.

6. Keep the Internet Ecommerce Free of Taxation: If small businesses are forced to collect and file tax returns in every state they sell, this is another burden that we are unable to bear. Yes, We Can.

7. Fix the Legal Immigration Process: Legal immigrants on the temporary worker visas get stuck in a Green Card process for over 5 years. Help us get these workers legal so we can have the resources inside the country to run our businesses. Yes, We Can.

What suggestions do you have?