Are you a small business owner that wants to go

from “just getting by” to “breakthrough” success?

Now This is The “Magic Formula” You’ve Been Looking For To Achieve A Major Breakthrough in Your Business.

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The gurus make it seem so complicated…

How do I manage PEOPLE?  How do I make more PROFIT?

But after 35 years of growing a variety of businesses, I’ve discovered a system that creates predictable breakthroughs, time after time.

P X P = P

Follow this proven formula, and you WILL experience the breakthrough you’ve been looking for in 2017.



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none”]From: Barry Moltz  (of Lakeside, Michigan)

Dear Fellow Small Business Owner,

You find yourself desperately putting in more and more hours… And it seems harder than ever to find and keep the talented people that you need. Yet you’re out of ideas, not sure what to do next, plus you are sick and tired of not making enough money. This all happens as that dream of ultimate success recedes farther into the distance.

Ask me how I know – In my own small businesses, I’ve been there more times than I care to remember! It happened to me and now its happening to you. Plus if your business isn’t making you the money you want, and the dark shadow has ever crossed your mind you might never be truly successful in business, I have good news for you:

It’s not your fault!


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″]Anyone who’s ever owned a business invariably gets to a point where things just STUCK.

The hidden danger is, there IS a very real chance that your business will go under if you don’t turn things around – and soon. This very possibility hurts your confidence (and family) every day.

So how did this happen to your business?

If your business is like most, the problem is, you’re trying to build it for today’s world – on yesterday’s foundations.

It just doesn’t fit.

Your business needs to continually move forward to grow and prosper. Yet making the changes that will take you to the next level is kind of like building the airplane as you’re flying it…

It’s uncomfortable as heck, it’s risky… and people think you’re just plain crazy.

If only you had the tools, the help, and the step-by-step blueprint you need to get it built right for the altitude you want to climb to…

So you can fly the darned thing… And enjoy the ride again.

By now, you’re probably wondering, who am I, and how do I know what you’re going through right now?

Well, my name is Barry Moltz and I’ve been where you are dozens of times. I’ve started and run businesses. Some did great – and, to be truthful, others went out of business.

After successfully selling my last business, I found myself in demand as a business coach to thousands of small business owners just like you who I have met through my speaking engagements, TV appearances, radio show and five books.

And, I noticed a pattern over and over again in the thousands of businesses I worked with that was getting them STUCK. And nobody seemed to be talking about it.

That’s why I started The Magic Formula B-School to help business owners and entrepreneurs just like you get past the stuck points we all inevitably run into.[/text_block]

Here Is How To Make A Quantum Income Leap For Your Business

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″]The Magic Formula B-School is based on the real-world, hard-knocks, blood-sweat-and-tears experience that I, and so many other successful business owners gone through – perhaps like what you’re going through right now.

And I’m so confident that if you take this training seriously, and take action at every step that I’ve carefully laid out for you, I will guarantee you this:

In just 180 days, you will experience a quantum leap in your income.

The amazing journey we’ll take together in the The Magic Formula B-School has been followed by thousands of business owners, just like you, to finally achieve their dreams.[/text_block]

It’s Based on Three Key Factors…. P X P =P

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  • People – Without a team, you have a job, but have not built a company. People are the key to your business growth and prosperity. You will discover what you need to do to attract and keep the team you so desperately need to help your business grow.
  • Systems – The next step is to realize that right now your business may in reality be more like a glorified job. With the systems you’ll have in place after this training, you’ll enjoy greater freedom, cash flow and control than ever before… Not to mention a renewed passion for what got you started in the first place!
  • Profit – The final step is that once you have the systems and people in place, it’s critical to watch your key metrics. You’ll get the financial tools you need to stay on top of your numbers so you can see the growth, be alerted early for upcoming potholes in the road, and consistently keep your cash flow where it needs to be for your business to grow – without overloading on debt.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Obviously, the leap your business will take this Fall alone could be worth tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to you. Over the life of your business, that could add up to a significant amount of money, not to mention the peace of mind and deep satisfaction you’ll have of achieving long-term success in your business. So how much would “getting unstuck” and taking your business to the next level be worth to you? Ten thousand… a hundred thousand… A million dollars, or more? What about the renewed passion you have for the business… The impact you’ll have in your market… The brand equity you’ll be adding… Practically priceless. To achieve the same results with a private consultant could easily cost you $10,000 or more. With no guarantee. And perhaps it would still be well worthwhile. So let me ask you, what should I charge for a simple, step-by-step program that will help you do all that yourself, and reap the personal and professional rewards of being able to say, “Look at what I’ve accomplished!” Well, I have good news for you today. It won’t be $10,000. In fact, it won’t even be half that. (My goal is for you to at least get 10X your investment over the next 180 days) No, in fact, the price I’ve settled on for the essential skill set you’ll gain at The Magic Formula B-School – and to make sure it’s a great investment for successful small business owners everywhere – $997. And for a limited time, as one of my VIP subscribers, you can participate for only $497.

That’s right – You can get it for just $497!

(or split into 3 monthly payments)


join now

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Save 50% right now, while you still can!


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″ bottom_padding=”40″]When you enroll today, you’ll immediately receive an extra one on one hour with me so you can hit the ground running and be ready for our first session together. But you need to enroll now, and here’s why: I can only accept 22 more participants in order to give everyone the full attention they deserve. When we reach that number, the doors close. Go ahead and enroll now so you can get your business unstuck and on the Fast Track the long term success you so desire and deserve.[/text_block]
yes let me in

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Save 50% right now, while you still can!


What you will receive in the 4 parts of this amazing training to be engaged depending on your busy schedule:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″ bottom_padding=”40″]PREPARATION:

Your personal one hour kick-start coaching session with me to discuss your goals and ensure you exceed your objectives for B-School.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″ bottom_padding=”40″]Part 1: PEOPLE Module 1: Complete video course on “How to Get Your Business Unstuck” in Sales, Marketing, Management, Leadership, Finance and Productivity and Customer Service. This includes over 28 separate videos, worksheets and quizzes that normally sell for $297.

Module 2: Presentation (60 minutes)

o  How to hire the best people (full time, part time, freelancers or vendors)
o  How to fire non-performers
o  How to train the best people
o  How to manage and lead the team
o  How to build an effective culture
o  How to boost individual (and team) productivity

Module 3: Your personal, one-to-one 30-minute private coaching session #2 with me to discuss your particular company and how to overcome any obstacles you may run into.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″ bottom_padding=”40″]Part 2: PROCESS

Module 4: Complete video-assisted workbook exercise on setting up a Sales and Marketing, process that works and beats the “Double Helix Trap”.

Module 5: Presentation (60 minutes)

o   How to set up a process that works (and how to change when it doesn’t)

o   How to set up a marketing and sales process that achieves results

o   How to set up a development or production process that achieves results

o   How to set up a financial and budgeting process that achieves results

Module 6: Your personal, one-to-one 30-minute private coaching session #3 with me to discuss your particular company and how to overcome any obstacles you may run into.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23212121″ font_shadow=”none” top_padding=”20″ bottom_padding=”40″]Part 3: PROFIT

Module 7: Complete video-assisted workbook exercise on how to never worry about cash again in your business.

Module 8: Presentation (60 minutes)

o  Review financial principles and how your company makes money

o  Review of key company metrics to track: financial, productivity, sales, marketing, production and development.

o  How to pick a CPA and bookkeeper

Module 9: Your personal, one-to-one 30-minute private coaching session #4 with me to discuss your particular company and how to overcome any obstacles you may run into.[/text_block]


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But wait, there’s more!

You also get lifetime guaranteed access to all videos, workbooks and group call recordings – Hit rewind as many times as you like, and be able to take full advantage of any group sessions you are unable to attend. (Though you always gain more by being there, real time and in person to ask questions!) This enables you to really take the course on your schedule!

PLUS, with each personal coaching call, you get an easy-to-play audio file that you can go back and listen to over and over again to pick up any details or nuances you may have missed during the call. It takes the pressure off having to scribble notes as you’re trying to absorb a new concept and gives you a permanent recording you can go back to and reference at any time.

And did I mention my “No-Pressure, No-Hassle 100% Satisfaction Guarantee”?

If at any time in the next 12 months, this training doesn’t measure up in every way that I’ve promised you it would, just call or email my office for a prompt refund and we’ll gladly return 100% of your money immediately, no questions asked.

You’ve worked hard to get your business to where it is now. You had a dream when you started, even if it seems all tangled up in the millions of little things that seem to snare anyone bold enough to follow his or her own dream of owning a successful business.

Don’t let go – Your dream is still alive, and just waiting for us to cut it loose! Just click the button below to get started.[/text_block]

sign up now

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Save 50% right now, while you still can!



Debra%20Burleigh, Burleigh%20and%20Associates%2C%20Greater%20Vancouver%2C%20British%20Columbia%2C%20Canada

No-Pressure, No-Hassle 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If at any time in the next 12 months, this training doesn’t measure up in every way that I’ve promised you it would, just call or email my office for a prompt refund and we’ll gladly return 100% of your money immediately, no questions asked.


