Small Business Expert Speaker
Barry is a nationally recognized small business expert who has given hundreds of presentations to audiences ranging in size from 20 to 20,000.
Your energy is contagious!
I enjoyed your speech very much. As a 46 year old serial entrepreneur with two failures, two successes, and currently one on the rocks… your message really hit home.
Barry’s insights into…the challenges, successes and pratfalls…kept our audience enthralled. This is one funny guy who has a lot of interesting stuff to say and who offers a truly unique viewpoint on the world.
Your remarks were insightful; your delivery was very enjoyable. We look forward to hearing you speak on many more occasions.
Having over 25 years of experience succeeding and failing in small businesses, Barry presents on all stages about what it takes to be successful and limit the impact of any failures. As a small business expert, these are his most popular presentations.