Barry’s Money Speaking Topics

How to Get Your PPP Loan Forgiven Now

You got the PPP loan. It helped your business survive this pandemic, but now you need to get the lender to forgive it. If you have looked at the forgiveness application, it may scare you. This sessions teaches how to qualify for total forgiveness of the loan. It includes a step-by-step process and demonstration for how to fill out the application. Plus how to fill out the application for business, sole proprietors and independent contractors.


Breaking the Cash Crunch and Generate Money Faster

Most small business owners spend a ton of energy and time worrying about their financial obligations. Very few read and understand their monthly financial statements. Recent surveys indicate that only 5% of business owners understand the secrets to overcoming the crunch and never being short of cash again. Learn them in this session and never run out of cash again.


The Best Way to Fund Your Business Right Now

The most popular funding sources for small businesses used to be their own bank account, family, friends and the bank. Now new online resources are available that make available more money than ever before. Barry shows how to use these new tools effectively and how to create a compelling story that gets funded.


Tiny Financial Habits of the Most Successful Small Business Owners

Most small business owners have no experience managing the finances of their company. But there are tiny habits that they can make a big difference in their bottom line. Barry shows 10 daily and monthly habits that can help boost any company’s profit.


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