#530 B2B Sales is Changing: But Not the Way You Think

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

The number one thing that small business owners struggle with by far, is sales and marketing. They either they don’t do sales and marketing at all because they are afraid, they don’t have the skills, or they do sales like a pushy used car salesman. We show […]

By |April 20th, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #530 B2B Sales is Changing: But Not the Way You Think

#529 Lessons from the World’s Most Successful Disruptors

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

In segment 1, we talk about disruption. Disruption is dangerous because most often it comes from outside the industry (think Uber and Netflix). We show you how you can become the next disruptor and make sure that your competition doesn’t beat you there (including the competition you […]

By |April 13th, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #529 Lessons from the World’s Most Successful Disruptors

#525 Why A Successful Network TV News Anchor Left His Career to Pursue Financial Freedom (And How You Can do the Same)

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

We first talk to someone who left a successful job and quit his high profile Network TV News Anchor career. He made this huge life change because he saw there was a way to financial freedom, and now he’s helping others find financial freedom too.

Then, how many […]

By |March 16th, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #525 Why A Successful Network TV News Anchor Left His Career to Pursue Financial Freedom (And How You Can do the Same)

#522 Get Heard and Get Referred by Succeeding in the Two Moments of Truth

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

We first talk about how small businesses can stand out in a noisy marketplace. When there is a lot of noise in the marketplace, it makes it much more difficult for your company to be heard. But even if you are heard, you have to deal with […]

By |February 25th, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #522 Get Heard and Get Referred by Succeeding in the Two Moments of Truth

#521 Is Your Online Sales Funnel Working As it Should?

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

We first talk about the elements of successful sales funnels. We have all heard of sales funnels, where you identify a prospect and bring them through a series of steps so they eventually become your customer. But how do these funnels work online?

Then, small business owners are […]

By |February 16th, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #521 Is Your Online Sales Funnel Working As it Should?