Are You a Good Loser?

I hate to lose, but I know how to be a good loser when it comes. You need to know too.

Some people say that you should never “be good at losing” since that opens you up to the possibility of losing; and you should never lose. This is silly and just blind bravado since it’s […]

By |October 2nd, 2023|Leadership and Management, Small Business|Comments Off on Are You a Good Loser?

Forget About a New Year’s Resolution- Pick A Nudge Word Instead

It’s the time of year that many people make specific New Year’s Resolutions for their personal lives or their small business. I made them in the past but now I really don’t think they are effective.

An article by Tara Parker- Pope in the Washington Post suggested an alternative approach. She says to pick […]

By |January 3rd, 2023|Leadership and Management, Small Business|Comments Off on Forget About a New Year’s Resolution- Pick A Nudge Word Instead