I have liked the emphasis that President Obama has put on the need for small businesses to recover to help the economy.  But somehow, the President’s proposals don’t seem to trickle down to benefit small business owners.  Most business owners agree.

Sage North America announced their 2010 Business Minds survey, which gauges  business owners’ opinions on the government-sponsored job stimulus programs.

While there was support for some of the proposals from individual respondents and 61% of those surveyed found at least one of the proposals helpful, there was no universal endorsement by a majority of participants for any one single proposal.

The most favorable proposal was that businesses can accelerate the deduction of the cost of capital expenditures.  Other proposals owners  found most helpful were: the payroll tax reimbursement (33 percent); elimination of the capital gains tax for investments (33 percent); tax credit for new hires (31 percent); and the immediate expense of qualified investment (30 percent).

Read the entire survey result!

What do you think?