I surveyed 5,000 small-business owners on what issues would influence the way they would vote.  Here is what they said:

58% said their vote would depend on how much they trusted their government leaders.

The magnitude of the economic issues that faced our country over the last two years is difficult for any of us to understand.  Did the Obama administration do the right thing with TARP and the American Recovery and Investment Act?  Or did it just dangerously increase the size of our national deficit?  If we did not make these types of expenditures, where would the economy be today?

56% will vote based on the prospects for growth in jobs and the economy.

Despite the Great Recession “officially” being over in June, unemployment is still close to 10%.  Many small businesses are struggling to maintain their operations without the bank credit they used to have.  Do we need more government to help us turn the corner or rather for government to get the heck out of our way?

54% will vote based on their view of health care policy.

Whether they were for or against health care reform, it will influence how the small-business owner votes in this year’s election.  With health care outpacing all other costs for the owner (up 600% in 30 years), most agree that something has to be done to rein in the cost of insuring employees.  For people who work as solo-preneurs or independent contractors, the ability to get affordable health care is high on their list.  However, some business owners are also concerned that they will not be able to afford the required health insurance for their employees; these people tend to believe that the planned tax credit to offset those costs should be set for companies larger than just 25 employees.

What small-business issues will influence the way you vote on Election Day?