Guest post ©All Rights Reserved, Melissa Galt Melissa Galt

Speaking with and coaching hundreds of business owners in the last decade, I’ve noticed the missing ingredient in the quest for success. You know how to visualize your success; you are great at mapping it out in blueprint or mind map fashion. You may even have a vision board in your office with images posted of what success will look like—that spacious office, a team of top talent, raving fans for clients, a beautiful family, the house of your dreams, a toy or two (think sports car or boat perhaps). It is a great picture.

You know what it looks like, sounds like, probably even smells like, and tastes like; have you really taken the time to get quiet and imagine what that success will feel like? I know, your first response to this is “it’s gonna feel fantastic!” Go deeper, and this isn’t about “woo woo.” I’m not a “woo woo” professional. I’ve simply paid attention and know, without a doubt, that what propels real lasting success in our social economy is relationships, and relationships are about feelings.

I’ve listened, learned, observed, and realized that most business owners find it easier to lead with hard results rather than look at soft outcomes. Now, hard results, the numbers of business, are vital; that is not in question. Yet, the soft outcomes that accompany those numbers are even more important because they represent relationship currency that does relate directly to the bottom line.

When you revisit your vision of success, feel your way forward. Who are the relationships with that will matter the most?  They may surprise you—take a look.

Yourself ~ You need to know yourself well to lead a company, however small or large, to greatness, beyond a big bottom line. If a big bottom line is all you are looking for, you may be one of those that simply mows people down, burns bridges, and torches relationships to get there. It won’t last.

Your Family ~ Don’t look so surprised—when you have a supportive family (whatever that looks like for you), it makes you far stronger, more resilient, and even more creative. Family provides a feeling of security and encouragement, and incents (and challenges) you to achieve more.

Your Team ~ Okay, so you knew this was coming, and you might even put one member of your team as a relationship to value above all others: your gatekeeper and right-hand assistant (Virtual Assistant, Online Business Manager, Executive Assistant are just a few of the titles this person may inhabit).

Your Market (Customers or Clients) ~ Yes, as the leader of your company, you must have a real relationship with your market. I’m not suggesting that you handle customer service unless you are a solopreneur; I recommend that you create a genuine connection through social avenues to share your values, your experience, your insights, your innovative ideas, and yourself.

Your Suppliers ~ Every business has them, some more than others. The quality of your relationship with your suppliers can truly make or break your business—never underestimate it.

Create a new vision of success and let go, just for now, of the material vision and turn instead into the relationship awareness and the feeling side of success. When you get clear on the relationships you both need and want to master and develop, you will find doors opening that you never imagined, opportunities arriving that you never considered, and success looking and feeling more awesome than you ever expected.