This article is contributed by Jason Dirkham.

Whether you’re running a business with a team of ten or a team of one (yourself), it’s a competitive world for the little guy. Small businesses achieve success in many different industries, but they need more than passion and innovative ideas. Every entrepreneur has those. The thing that defines a small business’ success is its understanding of the competition and the target market. If you really want to risk up through the ranks in your industry then these suggestions should set you on the right path. It’s about time you made your small business shine.

Be a smarter leader.

First of all, you need to focus on your own abilities as an entrepreneur and a boss. As mentioned in the introduction, passion is only the first ingredient in the recipe for a successful business. You need to be smart as well as driven. That’s what makes you a business leader rather than simply someone with an idea. If you want to be a smarter leader then you need to get better at the technical side of running a business. Learn how to manage your finances. If you can figure out how to keep overhead costs low then you’ll have bigger profit margins to spend on the development of your business.

You might even want to continue studying to broaden your academic knowledge and gain some new career and business skills. You could do a masters of marketing online course. After all, every business owner should understand the core concept of marketing and business management. That’ll help you guide your business in terms of better targeting potential customers. You also need to learn how to treat your existing client base well in order to retain customers in the long-term.

Develop a strong digital marketing strategy.

Marketing your business online is important in any industry. But it’s a tool that is absolutely essential to small businesses. As a little brand that’s trying to compete with the big names in its industry, the internet is the best resource you have to get your small business out there. If you know how to produce content that gets results then you can easily get noticed by potential customers in your target market. This isn’t like the days of physical marketing; the deepest pockets don’t win. The winner is the business that understands how to create great online content. You need to optimize your company website for the best results on search engines. People always click on one of the first few results when searching for anything. If you can get your website up there then people will assume that your business is the best in the industry. That’s the beauty of digital marketing. All businesses can be equal online.

Take risks to grow.

Finally, you need to be fearless. If you really want your small business to shine then you’re going to have to take some risks. No company ever grew by shying away from change. You might be scared to make mistakes, but that’s the biggest mistake you can make. If you don’t try to develop and expand your business and its ideas then you’ll end up getting left behind by a changing market. In turn, that’ll ruin your company’s likelihood of being successful. If you’re not afraid of failure then you will succeed (even if you, initially, get things wrong). It’s as simple as that.

This article is contributed by Jason Dirkham.