how to look smartAn article in The Atlantic recently suggested that there are certain habits and appearances that can make someone appear intelligent without having to speak a word.

Here is a list of their slightly ridiculous strategies for appearing more intelligent:


1. Wear glasses. Yes, people actually think glasses make a person look smart.

2. Flaunt Natural Facial Features. Narrow faces, long noses, and thin chins are associated with intelligence (as well as attractiveness).
3. Walk at the same pace as those around you. When people move faster or slower than others around them, they are viewed as less competent and intelligent.
4. Don’t drink in public. At least not at work functions. Due to the strong association between alcohol and stupid behavior, merely holding a beer makes you appear dumber.
5. Include your middle initial. People who write their names with middle initials are presumed to be of a higher social status than those who do not, undoubtedly an important factor in appearing intelligent.
6. Type in a clean, simple font. Avoid Comic Sans and opt for Times New Roman instead. Hard to read font makes the author seem less intelligent.
7. Lay off the grandiose vocabulary. Turns out big words aren’t impressive after all. They can actually make you appear dumber. Simpler writing often comes across as more intelligent.

The strategies are based off the findings of published psychological studies. While someone may not outrightly say these things make a person look smarter, the studies have shown that these little things do indeed function to tip people off about someone’s level of intelligence.

While these intelligence strategies won’t actually make you smarter, they will help fool people into perceiving you are and give you a boost of confidence.

Which strategy will you adopt?