I am constantly amazed that the hardest word to say in small business seems to be the word “no”. To me. “no” is a freeing word; it sets boundaries regardless of whether you are the prospect or vendor.

But it seems that nobody wants to say the word “no” even if their actions are screaming it.

For the prospects

I will never understand why a prospect doesn’t say “no”, instead of just ghosting the vendor. There are so many easy and non-personal ways to say “no” these days from texting, emailing and after hour voicemails. I am not talking about prospects that I have cold called or those that I have talked to once.  Instead, I find that prospects that I have talked with 6 times and even had dinner with, sometimes, somewhere in the process stop responding to me.

After all these years, I still don’t get it. If you are no longer interested “just say no”. You don’t even have to give a reason.

What I have realized from prospects is that it takes courage to say no, and many lack the resolve to do this or for some reason close the door on the conversation. For me, it’s downright professionally and personally disrespectful of the conversations we have had in the past.

Make no mistake, respectful prospects say “no” and in fact, for me, a “no” now can preserve the relationship to do business in the future.

For the vendors

Salespeople seem to hate the word “no” since they so badly want a “yes”. For me, “no” is the second-best answer after “yes”. A “maybe” leaves me many times chasing my tail and spending valuable time selling to a prospect who has no intention of buying now.

A “no” answer frees me up to let go of this prospect, be more productive and find one that is interested in doing business with me now.