Here are five people that can replace Oprah:

Superherodestructo4Miss Destructo: We need more color on television. With her blue hair, Miss Destructo is one of the most creative and innovative person you want to meet.

Gary Vanderchuck: We all know that Gary Vee would Crush It! If you have seen Gary’s enthusiasm either live or in his videos, he would be great to fill his shoes.

Cali Lewis: If you saw the geek tech diva of with Chris Brogan in bed, then you know that she not only understands technology, but can sure can ask the tough questions.

The Bloggess: As Jenny says, she is just like Mother Theresa, only better. As she says, “I need an uncensored space to say the f-word and talk about ninjas.  I also write a satirical sex column, a horrible advice column and  I twitter a lot”. Day time TV would never be the same.

Michael Michalowicz: the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur himself. Ever watch his videos- fun and enlightning. As Mike says, he is on a roll. The producers may ask him to change his name though.

Who do you think should be the next Oprah?