Hesh Reinfeld, a business humorist, recently wrote a great column on how we all use Cyberspace to Lie. It was harder before computers to seem like larger company in business and have a big presence. Computers and the web have made that so easy…
" I don’t own a BlackBerry. But my clients don’t know that. They’re impressed when they receive an e-mail from me with the tag line: Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld. It shows that I’m available 24/7 and always responsive to their every need.
Am I lying? Literally, yes. However, in the world of business we are always stretching the truth to impress our customers. We want to give them a sense that we’re successful, and never let them know that they’re the first serious prospect we’ve had in a month"
The link for Hesh Reinfeld is not the right one: it refers to some spamming scheme…
The good URL is: