Sometimes, I do interviews that bring out the good and bad memories about what has happened in a person’s business life. I did one such interview and while the story won’t appear in the next book due to the sensitivity of the information, the person I interviewed said it had alot of positive effects:

Thanks so much for all your sensitivity to this. Another great thing came of this journey sharing the story with you: my father and I were able to address some unfinished business, confusing aspects and finally reach a place of understanding and relief after all these years. In the past, certain memories would pop up and we would tip toe around them, not wanting to bring up past hurts and fears. After meeting you and revisiting those memories (both the funny and the fearful) with you, I was able to gain a deeper knowledge of what my father and his associates and my family actually went through, lived through, learned from and can now accept and share with others. What a very cool thing. Happily, we are still “crazy enough” to keep thinking of new businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit still oozes out of us like good Italian garlic….