We all know how important networking is because it’s who you know not what you know. However, I am constantly amazed at three things:

1. People that think networking is handing out business cards is networking (its just handing out cards and not a real connection)
2. People that do not return an email after I have met them (it can’t just be attributed that they don’t want to know me, could it?)
3. People that I tell that I am a good prospect for them to sell something to me and never follow up with me.

In order to build a strong,vibrant network, we need to do it one person at a time. Four ways you can do it.

1. Introduce people you know to each other. I am constantly amazed about what Chris Brogan always does when I talk with him at conferences. Even before we get very far, he always introduces me to the people that he is with so we have a chance to make a connection (and he has instigated many relationships this way).

2. Contact people after you meet with them. I always send a follow up email to everyone I meet and include something about our meeting specific to them.

3. Return your emails and phone calls in a timely fashion. This means within 24 hours in this fast paced world. If you can’t do that, then ensure someone else does it for you or set the expectation on your outgoing voice mail or email that sometimes it takes 48-72 hours for you to return phone calls.

4. Respond to Facebook, blog posts and Twitter tweets. If you are involved in these social media tools then participate in them. When you get notified of comments on your Facebook or blog posts, reply to them. When someone metions you in a tweet or direct mails you, reply to them. When I am notified that someone is starting to follow me on Twitter, I send them a custom reply that includes their name and something about them.

What do you do to build relationships?