This post is contributed by Jason Dirkham.

We all make New Year resolutions and end up breaking some a few weeks into the year. Maybe you leave it at that and focus on one thing that you can actually keep; something more realistic like being the version of you. Yes, there are things that you can do for a better and happier you. So, why don’t you stop thinking about changing yourself and focus on becoming the best version of yourself? The following are five simple golden tips you can use to become a better, happier version of you.

Find a mentor

Regardless of what you do, if you ever want to boost your motivation, identify someone you can consider to be your mentor. Most people will be more than happy to share their personal experiences and even teach you how you can become a better person. You will most probably benefit from such personalities and wisdom.

Develop the habit of reading

Again, it comes down to learning more and more. Knowledge is the one thing that will never fail you. Get into reading books every day. At least make sure whatever you read is directly related to your profession or something you want in life. Reading will spark new ideas into your mind and challenge you to think outside the box.

Become more responsible

Stop blaming other people if things don’t go right for you. If you want to grow as an individual, learn to accept responsibilities for all your actions and everything under your control. Take care of yourself and apply for a job; you can even browse available delivery jobs today.

You are always in control of your life, and you should accept that you are the only person responsible for your actions. For a start, ask yourself whether you are taking responsibility for building a life you want. Alternatively, stop letting things unfold and make them happen the way you want.

Set personal goals

Life goals will give your focus and a way to measure your accomplishment along the way. Goals will also motivate you to stay on the course. Start by putting your goals down and how you want to achieve them. Also, set a deadline for every plan you have.

For a start, think about where you want to see yourself three to five years from now. What kind of person do you want to be? Frame all your goals positively as things you want to do instead of things you don’t want to do.

Start exercising every day

Start your days with a morning exercise routine. It will help you become more focused and feel good about yourself. Physical exercise is also a great way to improve your overall health.

Bottom Line

There are various universal aspirations that we all yearn for in life. We want to get a younger and healthier look, be happy, prosperous, be productive, and feel loved—however; the best we can ever achieve is being the best version of ourselves. Start today with these golden tips to be the best version of you.