This post is contributed by Jason Dirkham.

There’s no getting around the fact that there is waste when you’re running a company. It’s impossible to hit 100 hundred percent in everything, and, as such, there’ll be plenty of wasted time, money, resources, and materials. But that’s not all. We can also find that there’s wastage when it comes to things like our digital marketing. This happens in various ways. Our strategies may not be effective, we may invest in ads and other types of marketing that don’t bring returns, we may spend too much time trying to figure things out, or coming up with new ideas. There are, however, ways to minimize wastage, as we’ll see below. Incorporate these tips into your marketing, and you’ll make better use of your time, money, and energy.

Set a Target

You can create a general marketing campaign, and then let things just tick along as usual, but this isn’t an effective method. You’re technically doing something — and spending some of your budget on marketing — but it won’t yield fantastic results, or even passable results. In order to have a strategy that works, you need to have something to aim for: there should be a target. Whenever you create a new digital marketing campaign, make sure that you’re going somewhere, that there’s an end point that you’re trying to reach. It’ll keep you focused.

Get the Right Tools

You don’t need to be an expert to engage in digital marketing. But you might find that it takes longer than necessary to get the ball rolling if you don’t have experience or the right tools on your side. If you’re undertaking the digital marketing side of your company yourself, then you’ll want to, first, read up on the best practices. To make things easier, use platforms and marketing systems that are more user friendly, such as Google Ads. You can also consider automating your Google Ads to make things even more straightforward. This will help you to avoid spending any more time on your campaigns than you need to.

Work With Others

Of course, it’s possible that you just don’t have the time required to develop robust, effective digital marketing campaigns. At that point, it’s worth considering whether it’s better to hand the work over to someone else. There are plenty of third-party digital marketing companies to whom you can outsource the work. This will free up your time entirely, yet also ensure that this crucial business aspect has been taken care of.

Be Aware of New Trends

There’s little value in working hard on a campaign if you’re using outdated tactics that are no longer effective. As such, it’s recommended that you’re keeping abreast of the latest developments in the marketing world. It’ll help to focus your campaigns, so that you’re using tactics that work today. For instance, video marketing is huge right now, as is inbound marketing. If you’re still using keywords and hoping that they’ll move things forward, then it’ll be time to make a change towards better practices.

This post is contributed by Jason Dirkham.