News Item: South Carolina’s governor, Mark Sanford disappears for 4 days “to hike the Appalachian Trail to clear his head”. He lost his security detail, skipped Father’s Day and didn’t show up for work on Monday. Neither his wife, the LT Governor or the State Police knew where he was.

I am sure there are many public figures that are jealous of Governor Sanford right now. But it begs the question: With our world now 100% connected and running on 24/7, are we entitled to cut all ties and get totally away where no one can find us?

The question may be different for a public official than a business owner-  we will leave that debate to others but should a business owner be able to disappear for a few days, a week or a month?

Yes and no!

No– Business owners have responsibilities to their employees, vendors, and clients. These people need to know whether they can get in touch with the owner because many of them are basing their decisions on what the owner’s decision. You are part of an ecosystem whether you like it or not. It is irresponsible for an owner just to disappear.

Yes– Business owners need to take one long planned absence (vacation) a year where they go on radio silence. I practice this in two ways. 1. Weekends in the summer when I am at my beach house are cell and internet free. 2. Every two years, for 3-4 weeks, I travel somewhere in the world with my family free of cell and email. If you want to find me, you can’t. Don’t even look.

But this is the big difference between what I do and what Governor Sanford did. I tell people that I will be out of touch and you won’t be able to find me. Whatever will happens will need to wait until my return.

This takes alot of courage for any business owner but, I highly recommend it because it relieves an incredible responsibility that I have of always have been their for my clients no matter what. When I go on these trips, I feel lighter, more present and when I come back, much more focused.

Join the conversation- what do you think? How do you unplug?