This post is provided by Jason Dirkham.

Navigating the world of business finances can be a bit like exploring a mysterious cave. It’s dark, it’s intricate, and there are paths going every which way. For those without a financial compass, aka a financial background, it can feel downright daunting. But don’t fret! By the end of this post, you’ll have a torch in your hand, lighting up those dark corners of business financials.

Why Business Finances Matter

Let’s address the burning question: Why bother deciphering your business financials? You have a great product or service, customers who adore you, and a bank balance that keeps pinging up. But remember, even the grandest of ships need a compass to sail smoothly. Well, business financials are your compass, steering you clear of financial storms and guiding you towards sunny shores. They’re the only way for you to truly understand how well or poorly your business is doing. 

The Basic Elements

1. Money Coming In: Income

Think of this as the sun providing energy to your business ecosystem. It’s the money flowing in from various sources, like sales or services, vital for growth and sustenance. You need to identify all areas of income, where it’s coming from, how often it’s coming in, and how much.

2. Where Your Money Is Going: Expenditures 

This includes every dollar you spend. From rent and utilities to marketing campaigns and payroll runs, it’s crucial to track where your money is going. Overspending can be detrimental for a small business, leading to failure and oftentimes even closing the doors. Your expenses need to be far less than your income in order to have a profitable business.

3. The Things You Own: Assets 

These are your prized possessions in the business world. It might be physical, like property and machinery, or intangible, such as copyrights or brand reputation. Assets add significant value, strengthening your business roots. Without Assets, your business would lack the foundational elements that provide stability and potential for growth. They serve as both your shield in challenging times and a ladder to reach newer heights.

4. The Things You Owe: Liabilities

Liabilities are the flip side of assets. These are what you owe, be it business loans, bills, or other debts. While liabilities are a natural part of business growth, they should be managed wisely to maintain balance. If you have more liabilities than assets, it can strain your financial health, potentially leading to cash flow problems or even insolvency. On the other hand, strategically acquired liabilities can fuel expansion and drive profitability. It’s all about finding the right equilibrium and ensuring that every debt taken serves a purpose and has a clear plan for repayment.

A Financial Safety Net Is A Must

Just like you’d pack an umbrella when expecting rain, having a financial safety net is pivotal to business success. The business landscape can be unpredictable, and there might be unexpected expenses, or maybe a global event affects market dynamics, such as COVID-19 in 2020. By setting aside a portion of your income, you’re creating a buffer, ensuring you remain unshaken during financial drizzles or even downpours. A financial safety net also provides peace of mind, allowing you to take calculated risks and make strategic decisions without the constant fear of financial ruin.


Embracing the world of business finances is a journey of empowerment. While at first, the numbers and terms might seem challenging to understand, with every step you take, clarity follows. Your business, after all, is more than just products and services. It’s a living, breathing entity, and understanding its financial health ensures it thrives for years to come.