Hiring someone new for your company is a scary process. You can read their resume, interview them, and call their references.  But do you really know how they will do until they start the job?

Testing the “aptitude” of a candidate through psychological tests has always been popular, although I have never been much of a fan of these standardized tests.  Sometimes, sales candidates are asked to sell the pen to the interviewer.  These seem silly to me.

What small businesses are increasingly doing is auditioning their candidates. This can be through a custom written assignment where they work on a past customer project to come up with a solution.  In the case of new sales people, small business owners can have them research a related topic and present a solution that the company actually sells.

Many job candidates give a “good interview,” but what will they be like once they are on the job?  If we follow the mantra, “slow to hire and quick to fire,” then taking the time to audition your job candidates is a critical step.

Do you test your job candidates before you hire them with a custom live simulated test?