This article was contributed by Jason Dirkham.

If you’re entering a management position for the first time, you’ll do well to understand the dos and don’ts before you begin. Knowing what to do and what not to do is a must, and will help you to excel. You will be able to gain the trust and respect of your team when you do everything right. Read on to learn more: 

Don’t Overreact

Overreacting is one of the worst things management can do. You don’t need to create a new policy every time somebody makes a mistake! Know how to pick your battles and what really matters in your workplace. 

Do Communicate Clearly And Give Fair Feedback 

If you want your employees to do well, they need to be on the same page as you. Giving feedback can be tough, but it’s important. Make sure your feedback is fair, you should always have good things to say as well as things they could improve on. Working on communication skills will allow you to do this and ensure your team members understand you. 

Don’t Lie 

Lying is an instant way to lose the trust of your team, even if they don’t find out about it straight away. Never withhold information from them, distort the truth, or make things up altogether. You may think you’re doing so for a good reason, but more often than not, your team will suspect or find out, and then they won’t trust you. Transparency is crucial in a management position. 

Do Hold Others Accountable 

Although you should never point fingers and play the blame game (after all, you are responsible for your team), you should hold others accountable if you need to. Again, this can be difficult, especially if you want to be likeable and keep things positive at work. Knowing how to do this in a way that doesn’t alienate a team member is imperative. 

Don’t Spy On Employees

Spying on your employees and micromanaging is one of the worst traits that a manager can have. This tells them that you don’t trust them, and will make them resent you. Trust that you have hired people who can work to their own schedules. When you trust them and create a great environment, they will want to work hard for you.  

Do Keep On Striving To Be Your Best 

You should always strive to be your best. Keep learning. Take an online MBA program or another program that will help you. Read books and learn from other people. Make sure you show your employees that you care about their growth, too. Hold workshops, take them to events and seminars, and invest in them. 

Don’t Expect People To Sacrifice Their Families For Their Jobs 

These days, a good work/life balance is key. Don’t be unreasonable and expect people to sacrifice the things that matter most to them for work. You will lose people (or at least their respect) quickly. 

Do Reward Great Work 

Find ways to reward great work, even if it’s just telling everybody what a great job they have done. This will keep employees engaged and happy. 

This article was contributed by Jason Dirkham.