This post is contributed by Jason Dirkham.

Business growth has to be carried out at the right pace if you want to achieve long-term success. If your business grows too slowly, it might never have a chance to get off the ground before you have to give up. If it grows too quickly, you could find it collapsing because you can’t keep up. You need to ensure you set a sustainable pace for the growth of your business to achieve your goals. But where do you start if you want to ensure your business grows at just the right pace? While there are some important steps you’ll want to take, there are also some things you’ll want to avoid.

Here are some of the things you should be doing if you want to grow your business at the best pace to help secure its future.

Make Use of Outsourced Services

Outsourcing is one of the best ways you can grow your business sustainably. It gives you the option to start expanding various parts of your business in an affordable way that you can easily control. When you outsource certain tasks, you have the option to choose services that work for where your business is now. Many of them are easy to scale as your business grows. For small businesses, one of the best options is to get someone to help with admin or customer support. A virtual medical assistant could help you to run your medical office more efficiently. Get someone who can help with billing, insurance, or even telemedicine.

Streamline Your Technology

Technology can help your business to grow, but it could also weigh you down. Too many tech tools could get expensive and confusing. As your business grows, you don’t need all of the available tools to help you do it. Being more thoughtful and purposeful about which tools will most benefit your business can help you to grow at a pace that works. Before investing in a new tool, consider exactly how it’s going to benefit your business. Communicate with your staff about the tools that are most likely to help them get their work done more efficiently.

Find Marketing Methods That Work for You

Marketing your business in the right way is crucial if you want to grow it sustainably. The wrong marketing methods could mean your business is too slow to grow. On the other hand, you could find your business growing too quickly if you’re not investing in suitable marketing channels. Many small businesses start off by relying on word of mouth. The next step could be to start slowly using channels such as social media and content marketing to promote your brand. However, it’s important to be careful of anything that could get your brand too much attention if you want to avoid rapid growth that’s possibly just a flash in the pan.

Offer Clear Value

Providing clear value to your customers is key to growing your business. You need to be able to demonstrate what you can offer that other brands can’t. Focusing on customer satisfaction and delivering an excellent customer experience will help your business to both bring in new customers and retain the customers you already have. By delivering value, one of the best benefits you receive is increasing your word-of-mouth referrals. These can be a sustainable way to grow your business if you’re able to keep them going. Working on improving the customer experience helps to ensure you can keep providing clear value.

Focus on Returning Customers

Although it’s important to bring in new customers, it’s also essential for growing businesses to focus on the customers they already have. This may be more important for some than others, but many businesses won’t get far without repeat customers. Creating loyalty from your existing customers helps to ensure you get people coming back. It also means you’re more likely to benefit from recommendations and referrals that help you to gain new customers.

Be Careful About Growing Too Fast

Slow business growth is obviously a danger, but you also need to be careful about growing too quickly. If your business starts to grow faster than you can handle, you could find yourself in trouble. You might struggle to keep up with new orders coming in, and you might not be able to manage your cash flow. Plus, you never know if a flurry of new orders could die down as quickly as it starts. It’s important to control your growth to make it manageable.

If you want to grow your business at a sustainable pace, look for growth opportunities but don’t push too hard for rapid expansion.