You can’t help but love Wendy Weiss. She loves what most of us hate- cold calling. I remember in my second company, when there was only 3 of us, I was in charge of sales. This involved alot of cold calling- which I hated. Lots of cold sweats. In order to motivate myself, I had to keep a picture of my family near the phone so I would make those calls.

In some businesses, cold calling is the way you build a pipeline of suspects and convert them to prospects.

 If you need this, if you hate to do this, if you need to be better at this join Wendy for her 8 week course, Cold Calling College. Take this quiz to see if you are ready:

Do you break out in a cold, clammy sweat at the mere thought of having to make cold calls? Do you ache with dread when you pick up the telephone to call a new prospect?Do you hang up the phone after yet another rejection, feeling like a failure? Are you worried that if you don’t get new customers soon, you may not be in business much longer?

I am.