This post is provided by Jason Dirkham

If yours is the kind of business where you have a fleet of vehicles to look after, you are probably going to be keen to try and look after them as well as possible. After all, that is going to make a huge difference to how you can approach things, and it means that your business can be run a lot more successfully in general. In this post, we are going to discuss some of the very best ways that you can hope to manage a fleet of vehicles more successfully.


One of the most fundamental things you need to bear in mind in all this is the servicing of your vehicles. Keeping on top of this will help ensure that they are going to actually be better looked after, less likely to break down and much more likely to last a long time in general as well. So it’s always going to be sensible to make sure that you are servicing your vehicles properly and fully, and regularly. Set up a service schedule and then make sure that you stick to it.

Accident Reporting

When accidents do occur, it’s important that you have the right approach in place in order to be able to manage it appropriately. Safety is obviously the first thing, but you also need to think about how you are going to report it, and how you can get the help you might need with the process too. Having a car accident lawyer to call on can help, as well as making sure that your staff know the proper routine when they are in an incident. All that is going to make it considerably easier when this kind of thing happens, which will hopefully be quite rare.

Daily Checks

All vehicles should go through a number of daily checks to help ensure safety as well as to help ensure that they remain in a good condition. These checks may include, for instance, making sure the lights are all working, as well as ensuring that your reverse light is working too, and the horn. You should also check oil and coolant levels, and generally ensure that the vehicle’s body is in a good state of repair. These should be checked by staff every day before using the vehicle, to help ensure that they are safe and good to use.

Fuel Usage

Finally, a word on fuel usage. You obviously want to make sure that you are not using any more than necessary, and that is something that might actually be easier than you think to make sure of. This is something that you should be able to work on if you are going to try and make sure that your fleet of vehicles is as well looked after as possible, because a low fuel tank can cause real problems. So make sure that this is kept as it should be.