This can only refer to one thing – the stock market. Even with the stock market winning their game of chicken with the government (They passed the $700B rescue bill). But I just checked and the market is down 400 points today. Uh Oh, now its down 500! Retirements accounts are down $2 TRILLION!

What are we to do? Do we keep checking our shrinking portfolio or put our heads in the sand in just wait it out? I recommend two strategies although I am no stock market wizard:

Check your portfolio. What are you going to use the money for? Do you have 3-5 years to wait for the market to come back until you need that money for yourself or your business? Cash out the part of the portfolio that you need now. Leave alone what you do not need and then go back to working and your life.

Like so many other things in life, we can’t control the market. Don’t buy into the fear. Just keep solving the pain your clients have and in the long run you will be okay.