This past week, I attended my first Infusionsoft users conference (ICON). I have spoken at a lot of software users conferences, but this one was at the top! When Clate Mask, their CEO says that they care about small business owners, he really means it. This conference was not just about how to use their software for your business, but how to create a better business. Clate wants to change the success rate of small business. They hire team members that are passionate entrepreneurs. Over half of their employees either had their own company or have a side gig now! Infusionsoft spent the money to bring in first class speakers like Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, JJ Ramberg and Peter Shankman. They hosted a precon media day to give us a tour of their HQ, culture and strategic direction. I have only been using their software for a few months (Thanks Ramon Ray), and now I am impressed not only with their service but their company.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the conference:

Clate Mask:

“My passions comes from my compassion for entrepreneur”

“Our small business customers start because they want freedom”

“Our small business customers grow because they have a system”

Simon Sinek:

As individuals we are useless, in groups we are powerful”

“Leaders need to set a circle of safety within their organization so their teams can do wonderful things”

“If you want a drink first thing in the morning, you are an alcoholic. If you check your email first thing in the morning, you are a small biz owner”

“Leadership is a practice, not an event”

Seth Godin

“Treat different people differently”

“People are choosing not to be normal”

“Tried and true are boring”

“Competence is no longer a scarcity”

“Leaping with Danger is the only jump that matters”

“It is always too soon to start”

“Scarcity cannot survive in the abundance economy”

If you attended, let me know what you thought!