I hate poor customer service and the cellular phone companies never disappoint me by proving this. I have been a loyal T-Mobile customer for 5 years (from when they bought Voicestream). I have had my brushes of dissatisfaction with them but this time they went too far. My Palmone Treo’s keyboard stopped working on Friday. I called T-Mobile to get a replacement, but they no longer carry any Palmone products. They are unable to help me. Futhermore, they informed me that since I bought my son a new RAZR phone in January, I am locked into using their service until 2007 unless I pay an early termination fee of $600! So now I have a phone that is not functioning properly and my only choice is to pay a $600 exit fee to them or buy a different PDA from them! After an hour rant on the phone with them, they said "There is nothing they could do".

Fortunately, the cell phone store (Cingular) near my house was able to replace the keyboard and it works for now.

Know where I am taking my 3 cell phones and $250 a month phone bill to in January 2007? Cingular!