Today's guest post is from my friend, Jim Kukral who knows how to build businesses online. 

"I wake up every day the same way at the same time.  I take my daughter to school, and then drive the same road to work.  I get in and do the same thing every day, over and over and over.

Consistency is good, usually.  However, there is serious danger of getting stuck in a rut where you begin to lose focus and even worse, lose productivity.

This is called the pattern of DOOM!

If there is one thing that Barry has taught me over the years it's that you have to get Unstuck, and you had better do it as fast as possible or your business/life/career/everything is going to suffer.

So what do I do when I get stuck in the pattern of DOOM!?  Here's how I break out of it.

First things first, you need to switch some things up.  For example, try getting up at a different time, and then taking a new route to the office.  Eat something different for breakfast, or start doing your workouts in the morning instead of the evening.  Maybe try something completely wacky to promote your business. Come up with an idea that you would have never tried before and run with it.

The point is that until you switch it up you're going to stay stuck in that pattern.

Human beings, well…most of us, are creatures of habit.  We are taught from an early age that life is supposed to be about consistency.  Consistency of work, of relationships, of career.  Very few of us break out of that pattern of consistency and throw caution to the wind and try new things.  Either because we're simply too scared, or because we've been conditioned to think that isn't  possible.

Hey, blame society.  That's just the way it is.

But think about the very few who break out of the pattern of DOOM!  These are the innovators and risk-takers in life and business to whom we look up.  You know, the people who always seem to have all the money, and all the fame, and all the happiness.  Why?  Because they've broken out of the usual pattern of DOOM! and decided to take matters into their own hands and find their own success.

All it takes is a first step.  Will you take it?  Change the pattern today and start your path to a new destination of success.  Avoid the pattern of DOOM!"

Jim Kukral is the author of the popular eBook about life and happiness called "How To Catch Happy :A Guide To Reeling In The Biggest Fish Of All'.