Today on Business Insanity Radio, I interviewed the CEO of The Nia Technique, Jeff Stewart.

The show today was very personal to me. In 2002, I had known my wife for almost 15 years. Although she had been a dancer in high school and college, she had never exercised. Exercise was always a tomorrow thing- can you relate. Well in 2002, she went to a class and came home with tears in her eyes and said to me, “I found what I want to do for the rest of my life“. What she found was a something called, “Nia”.

If you have never heard of Nia it is time you learned. Nia is a body-mind-spirit fitness and lifestyle practice. Through expressive movement which at first looks a lot like dancing, Nia empowers people to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

I talk to Jeff on the radio show about his path to become the CEO of an organization of 50,000 people. I kid with Jeff sometimes that the title of his biography should be, “I ought to be dead“. Alot of us go to college, alot of us go to business school to achieve a business leadership position. Listen to Jeff as he took a different path.

I also ask Jeff what it is like to lead an organization that has 50,000 women.  What are the challenges to expanding throughout the world? He talks about their provocative marketing theme, “25 Years of Pleasure”.