The Lazy Consumer

As a group, consumers are a lazy bunch. Once we start moving in a direction, it is hard to get us to switch to do something else. The switching costs may not be high, but we keep buying and shopping the same places we always do. Just because.  Retailers and service providers count on this. […]

Cold Comfort: Now Surcharges on Bagels!

Sometimes, I just have to rant. I was “shocked and awed” yesterday when I visited a local deli, Cold Comfort which had a sign on their menus that informed me their would be a 25 cent surcharge on all bagels and bread items due to their increase from their supplier. This must have something to […]

By |April 30th, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Cold Comfort: Now Surcharges on Bagels!

Do We Need to Give Customer Service 200% or Will 110% Do?

In writing my third book about that the only sustainable competitive advantage left in this world is customer service. I am pondering whether excellent customer service means giving the customer 110% or 200%. Can we afford to give 200%? Is it necessary as long as we meet or exceed the customers expectations? Will 110% do?

This past week, […]

By |April 18th, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Do We Need to Give Customer Service 200% or Will 110% Do?