Guest Post: Why You Need to Bring Chatbots into Your Marketing Strategy

HEAD-ChatBots-Domo-arigato-Mr.-RobotoArtificial Intelligence is more than just a sci-fi concept these days. It’s also an important tool used by many businesses for online marketing purposes. For this reason, it’s crucial that you incorporate AI and chatbots into your digital marketing strategy if you’re hoping to reach customers across […]

By |April 4th, 2017|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Guest Post: Why You Need to Bring Chatbots into Your Marketing Strategy

How Better Collaboration Can Impact Your Bottom Line

Office 365 collaboration


The key to building an effective team is simple; effectiveness depends on collaboration. This has become a more complex problem since many small businesses have employees in different parts of the world, or use part-time freelance resources. Teams have also become a very […]

By |November 15th, 2016|Customer Experience, Customer Service, Leadership and Management, Small Business|Comments Off on How Better Collaboration Can Impact Your Bottom Line