The Consumer is Now In Charge

I have ranted on my blog before about poor customer service and the frustration I feel sometimes that there is nothing we can do. The internet has changed this. We are no longer helpless. A business associate of mine, Sonny Cohen writes the action he took recently when he was dissatisfied with the job a […]

By |October 1st, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on The Consumer is Now In Charge

Wait! I Will Be There Between 10 and 2

I have talked many times about the amazing lack of customer service businesses that are monopolies give to us in this world. Check that- the audacity of having no customer service. I have ranted before on this blog about businesses not showing up for their appointments.

You know the drill. You call your local (fill in […]

By |September 23rd, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Wait! I Will Be There Between 10 and 2

[Guest Post: Katherine] Your Update is Not Perfect, Shiny, or New

This is a rant.

Meet the disgruntled customer:

We’ll call her, oh, let’s say, Katherine. Katherine sees the infinitely shiny and appealing new application store on iTunes. Katherine wants. Katherine eagerly downloads applications and proceeds to cry a bucket of invisible tears when she realizes that she must wait (oh no) a whole ten hours for Apple […]

By |July 11th, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service, Entrepreneur, Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on [Guest Post: Katherine] Your Update is Not Perfect, Shiny, or New

It’s a Contract, Until It Isn’t in Paragraph 7

I have never been a big fan of contracts. There are very few times in business where it would actually make sense to sue someone over violation of that contract. But, contracts are a good thing to set expectations of both parties in terms of cost, products or services delivered, etc. Contracts are in place […]

By |July 6th, 2008|Business, Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on It’s a Contract, Until It Isn’t in Paragraph 7

The Lazy Consumer

As a group, consumers are a lazy bunch. Once we start moving in a direction, it is hard to get us to switch to do something else. The switching costs may not be high, but we keep buying and shopping the same places we always do. Just because.  Retailers and service providers count on this. […]