Ask AI to Join Your Board of Directors

Last year, Boston Consulting Group, Harvard Business School, and Wharton released a study that compared two groups of BCG consultants ; those that used  AI and those that did not. The results show that consultants with AI completed 12% more tasks and did so 25% faster. They also produced results their bosses thought were 40% […]

By |September 20th, 2024|Leadership and Management, Small Business|Comments Off on Ask AI to Join Your Board of Directors

Let’s Not Confuse Showmanship with Leadership

With over 40 years in business, I have been around a lot of leaders and people who claimed they were leaders- but what I found out later was they were just really good showman. They were not in it for the customer or for me as an employee, but only for themselves.

Showmanship is the ability […]

By |July 16th, 2024|Leadership and Management|Comments Off on Let’s Not Confuse Showmanship with Leadership

Are You a Good Loser?

I hate to lose, but I know how to be a good loser when it comes. You need to know too.

Some people say that you should never “be good at losing” since that opens you up to the possibility of losing; and you should never lose. This is silly and just blind bravado since it’s […]

By |October 2nd, 2023|Leadership and Management, Small Business|Comments Off on Are You a Good Loser?