We can all use help from Buddha

There are many influences in our business life. I have studied and follow some of the Zen path. One of my clients recently sent me an email about a conversation she had with an employee who they plan to let go but want her to stay on for a few months for transition purposes.

He writes, […]

By |October 3rd, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on We can all use help from Buddha

Deja Vu All Over Again

We all have deja vu. That strange feeling that we had been here before. That was the exact feeling I had when I picked up Monday morning’s paper. As I sat down to have my breakfast, I had a bizarre feeling that I had read these articles and seen this news before. Then I looked […]

By |September 17th, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Deja Vu All Over Again

What Do You do for “Benefits”?

In a social setting last week, I asked a woman standing near me what she did for work. She replied, "For my benefits, I work at XYZ company. For my passion, I edited medical manuscripts". It hit me hard although it has been happening for a long time. Medical insurance for all of us has […]

Stop Thief! Drop that PDA with Bluetooth

It has been a difficult 24 hours. After spending most of the weekend trying to figure out the new T-Mobile DASH PDA, it was stolen from me. In the parking lot of a Best Buy, my son’s friend forgot to role up his window. Five minutes later when we got back to the car, the […]

By |August 16th, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Stop Thief! Drop that PDA with Bluetooth