Counting Your Coins

I read on the Coinstar website that the average family has $99.00 of change lying around the house. I decided to take them up on the test. I loaded all our change in the house into big bags and brought them to the local […]

By |April 3rd, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Counting Your Coins

Love Me or Hate Me

I have always said that you can’t be all things to all people. A good article from brothers Dan and Chip Heath in this months, Fast Company talks about "If you want people to like you, first decide who needs to hate you". You need to decide what you stand for and let people decide […]

By |March 26th, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Love Me or Hate Me

Fighting for Green

After speaking in Newark yesterday to a group of Non-Profits starting For Profit businesses, I flew home to Chicago to prepare for my Advanced Green Karate Belt promotion test. It had been two years since I last tested, having gone through a Karate commitment crisis, a surgery and a few back injuries. I was […]

By |March 15th, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Fighting for Green

The Price of A Jerk

Fast Company did an interesting article  (from Robert Sutton’s : The No Asshole Rule) on the price of a jerk in your organization. In one particular case, they totaled up the time that it took to handle one problem employee:

$25,000: Time spent by his direct manager

$5,000: Time spent by HR professionals

$15,000: Time spent by […]

By |March 12th, 2007|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on The Price of A Jerk