More Grin and Barrett

Matt and I got into a discussion about faith, spirit and entrepreneurship since the first thing I wanted to do for a career was a rabbi (he was a pastor for 4 years). Here is the way Matt sums in it up:

"I’ve been thinking about it a lot in the last few days, and […]

By |April 13th, 2006|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on More Grin and Barrett

Yellow Means Stop!

I hate traffic tickets. I think of it as nothing more than a city tax to generate revenue. Just add it to my property taxes or something else, instead of stopping me and putting me through all of that.

I got a ticket the other day for going through a yellow light. I was told that […]

By |April 7th, 2006|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Yellow Means Stop!

Low Tech Reminders

I believe sometimes we pour technology into solutions to our daily lives that are really over the top. Although, I am not much of a cook, I always thought computerizing recipes or shopping lists were silly. Sometimes a low tech solution is still best.

Enter The Wrist Reminder. Forget a string around your finger. Here is […]

By |March 31st, 2006|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Low Tech Reminders

Simon Cowell on Entrepreneurs

I must admit that my family and I are American Idol freaks. It is an event in our family. I think Simon Cowell who plays the villian makes the show. He always says what we are all thinking. This is why I was interested in this interview with him about his new show, The American […]

By |March 24th, 2006|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Simon Cowell on Entrepreneurs