Goodbye, Jack

Jack Pinnix committed suicide last week.

I didn’t know Jack that well. He was the husband of a woman, Stephanie who I mentored for awhile. Her amazing business story was in my book. Jack suffered from manic depression but refused to seek treatment. Life one night last week just got to difficult for him. While […]

By |August 9th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Goodbye, Jack

Single Use Toothpaste: Paste Buds

When I traveled for an overnight business trip I hate bringing the whole tube of toothpaste. Now, Paste Buds has come up with a dream come true for me. A small tablet shape container that holds just one squeeze of toothpaste. They sell it to prevent disease (?), […]

By |August 8th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Single Use Toothpaste: Paste Buds

Pure Luxor Water

While I was at the Luxor Hotel this week, I drank a bottle of their water. On the label it says:

"This pristine purified drinking water is processed by : Carbon Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Microfiltration, UV treatment and Ozonation."

Ugh- how can this be pristine water?

By |August 2nd, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Pure Luxor Water

The Most Honest Business Town

I have always liked Las Vegas. Just not that often. I’m here for last few days with a client.. I think Las Vegas is one of the most honest cities in the country. When I say honest I mean that when you enter any place in Las Vegas you know exactly what it’s […]

By |July 28th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on The Most Honest Business Town

Yes, Entrepreneurs are Crazy and Manic!

American Enterprise just published a wonderful article by John Gartner, a clinical psychologist called, "America’s Manic Entrepreneur". In the article he asks whether the talent to be a successful  entrepreneur takes a bit of craziness and "manic-ness"? YES I SCREAM!

He writes:

"Several years ago I began calling […]

By |July 26th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Yes, Entrepreneurs are Crazy and Manic!