Google This!

A company that I know is using Google Adwords to try to bring in new clients through search engine marketing. They finally got their first call today: From Google! Now that is results!

By |June 13th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Google This!

Oh, Say Can You See?

I sat next to the person on stage that was going to sing the National Anthem recently at a keynote speech I did. I noticed something in his hand. Can you guess what it was?

Words to the National Anthem….If I was singing, I would not want to forget […]

By |June 9th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Oh, Say Can You See?

Host a Glass for Red Today

I am not a huge editorial fan, but today in the Chicago Tribune they reprinted an editorial that really struck home about Memorial Day.

"Red Madsen loved his wives, his kids, everybody else’s kids, his family, dogs, fishing, whittling, doodling, reading (especially Mark Twain), Cord automobiles, hoisting a few with friends and telling stories. It pleased […]

By |May 31st, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Host a Glass for Red Today

This is the Life

One of my clients writes me last week about his life as an Entrepreneur-

e-Dad: "I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to your recital tomorrow"

Crying 5 yr old daughter: "But daddy, you’re the boss. Why can’t you just tell them you’re not coming in tomorrow morning?"

e-Dad: "because the client is really the boss, and if […]

By |May 24th, 2005|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on This is the Life