What I am Thankful For

On this Thanksgiving, this is what I am thankful for:

That I am not at O’Hare Airport typing this waiting on a 5 hour delay.

My family’s health. My health. Insulin.

Smiles and questions from my children. Playing Baseball, Football, and Basketball with them.

Sometimes upgrading to First Class. Safe Take offs and Landings.

High Speed Internet Access. […]

By |November 25th, 2004|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on What I am Thankful For

Despair, Inc.

If you have ever seen those ridiculous motivational posters that hang around offices, you’ll love this site, Despair, Inc. :-(

It has great posters that spoof the motivational ones. One of my favorites is:

FEAR: Until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you will never know the terror of being forever lost […]

Ask the Pilot

I am crazy about flying although I board an airplane every week. I have been reading a good book called, Ask The Pilot, by Patrick Smith. It’s a question and answer format that makes it easy to read even if there is turbulence!

I especially agree with a few parts of the book where he […]

Match.com meets Friendster

As reported in INC Magazine this month, there is a new version of online dating called, WingWomen.com.
Apparently this site matches up people that cannot date! The founder in the article claims that a man accompanied by a women is more likely to attract other women. It’s $50 an hour and they must sign a […]

By |September 27th, 2004|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Match.com meets Friendster

The Peace Train Stops in Maine

I usually don’t make political comments in my blog, but when Yusef Islam (formerly know as Cat Stevens) was blocked this week from entering the US because he was a danger to the US, I had to draw a line. The man who sung “Peace Train” was accused of having terrorist ties. Since his album, […]