Business Barter is Not Dead

I love to barter. I think it goes back to the fundamentals of business when there was no common currency in the terms of money. Fundamentally, it trades what one business person has to offer of value directly for what the other person has to offer. It makes both sides feel good by doing a […]

By |May 28th, 2004|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Business Barter is Not Dead

Salut! No Saluki!

I never like the expression, “thinking outside the box”. But I do think sometimes a person from the outside can bring a perspective that no insider can have…case in point:

I attended a wonderul reception in Carbondale this week, the home of the Southern Illinois University. Their mascot is the Saluki (an Egyptian dog they […]

By |May 27th, 2004|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Salut! No Saluki!

Got Rebates?

I always marveled how adverstisers can make products seem less expensive then they really are. I look through many of the Sunday circulars and find products for FREE after you subtract the mail in rebates. I always wondered how many people actually mail in those rebates and what the cost actual is to the vendor […]

By |May 19th, 2004|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Got Rebates?

Pet Stoller?

The people at Hammacher Schlemmer must be running out of ideas for products. In one of their recent catalogs, the list a “Strolling Pet Carrier“. This is basically a baby stroller for your pet.

The description reads:
“For city walks, trips to the vet or travel, this lightweight, easy-to-maneuver stroller makes outings with your pet as […]

By |May 18th, 2004|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Pet Stoller?