What I Am Still Thankful For





(Thanksgiving post where I always talk about what I am thankful for.)

I am struggling with my words this year because of the unprecedented rancor of the presidential election.

Quite frankly, I am questioning what the future of America now looks like.  I have been in a funk these […]

By |November 19th, 2016|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on What I Am Still Thankful For

Stop Being Busy and Get Productive



The one thing that small business owners have in common is that their to-do list keeps getting longer as the day gets shorter. This is because most people confuse being busy with being productive.

Do any of these “so busy” symptoms seem familiar?

  1. You get less done despite […]
By |November 3rd, 2016|Business, Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Stop Being Busy and Get Productive