For the Father Who Has Everything: Part II

Don’t take this on an airplane, but this is the ultimate thing for a guy to carry in his pocket.

From the makers of the Swiss Army Knife, this multi-tool not only has the usual knife and scissors but a 64 or 128MB USB Flash Memory Stick. For those of you that use Flash Memory Sticks […]

By |June 10th, 2004|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on For the Father Who Has Everything: Part II

Powerpointing of America

I looked through my son’s homework. He is in second grade at a public school. I was blown away to see that he was learning Powerpoint! Talk about a Microsoft monopoly and indoctrinating kids early! Wow!

When he grows up, will there be no other way to present information except through Powerpoint? I hope not.


When I travel, I carry two main devices with me. A Fujitsu tablet and the Treo 600 . I pride myself that these devices are fairly light weight yet piwerful and I did not need to bring a clunky keyboard. But these two devices actually need five attachment cords to go with […]

By |May 10th, 2004|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Accessories


Did you ever think how numbers have become part of our names? Sounds almost robotic! Many of us have common names (like my friend, Joan Smith). In order to get email addresses on yahoo or aol, we need to add numbers to our names. On one popular service, I am bmoltz1740. How many “bmoltz”s are […]

By |April 27th, 2004|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on bmoltz1740

Uncle! I Hate Spam!

Uncle. I give up. Until today, I was probably the last person on the planet not using Spam filtering software. I had a thing against using it since I wanted to make it easy for anyone to email me or find me if they wanted to..guess I am too easy. I also think it is […]

By |April 19th, 2004|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Uncle! I Hate Spam!