Are You Getting Referrals or Just Asking for Them?

Getting ReferralsGetting referrals are a critical part of any growing small business. But there is a big difference between asking for them and getting referrals from past customers. Both are important, both are involve different marketing strategies that need to be consistently practiced.

Getting Referrals

What they are: This is […]

By |March 27th, 2017|Business, Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Are You Getting Referrals or Just Asking for Them?

Guest Post: 7 Content Marketing That Will Increase Your Conversion Rates

conversion-optimization-processToday’s guest post is from Andrew Gazdecki, the founder and CEO of Bizness Apps on content marketing.

Content marketing has become an important strategy for enhancing the customer experience, staying relevant and valuable in the minds of clients and converting consumers into avid fans of your business. More […]

By |January 19th, 2017|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Guest Post: 7 Content Marketing That Will Increase Your Conversion Rates

Running on Free Applications Will Ultimately Sink Your Business

no free applicationsOne of the biggest mistakes that small business owners make is to mix and match free applications that are easily available to run their company. They soon find themselves, though with a big headache when none of the applications communicate with each other and they […]

By |December 11th, 2016|Business, Personal Productivity, Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Running on Free Applications Will Ultimately Sink Your Business

Why It’s Important for CEO’s to be on Social Media



This guest post is from Nick Rojas.

Regardless of the size of your business or the industry you’re in, one thing is for certain: if you’re a CEO, you need to be on social media. There have been hundreds of studies that show how social media can help […]

By |November 14th, 2016|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Why It’s Important for CEO’s to be on Social Media