When Never to Apologize in Small Business

When not to apologize

My mother always taught me that if you do something wrong, it’s good to apologize. But some people actually say “sorry” too much. This is a problem in business because it makes them seem smaller than they actually are. Unfortunately, this also works against […]

By |July 7th, 2016|Entrepreneur, Small Business|Comments Off on When Never to Apologize in Small Business

Your First 10 Steps to Start a Small Business


This post is sponsored by Comcast Business,( http://www.comcast.business.com) but all opinions are my own.

A founder has a long winding road just to launch a business and any mistakes will be expensive. Here are ten steps to take for making the journey a bit easier.

  1. Determine the […]
By |May 18th, 2016|Entrepreneur, Small Business|Comments Off on Your First 10 Steps to Start a Small Business

How Technology Helps Travel Agencies Still Prosper


This post is sponsored by Microsoft for National Small Business Week 2016. This series discusses how small businesses use technology to drive their success

Over the last decade, more business people are using online tools to simply book hotel, car and flight reservations themselves. These websites and mobile apps […]

By |May 5th, 2016|Sales and Marketing, Small Business|Comments Off on How Technology Helps Travel Agencies Still Prosper

How to Make Complicated Technical Support Simple


This post is sponsored by Microsoft for National Small Business Week 2016. This series discusses how small businesses use technology to drive their success.

As a company grows, small business owners need more technical support. There are more users, applications and a large variety of ways to access […]

By |May 4th, 2016|Sales and Marketing, Small Business|Comments Off on How to Make Complicated Technical Support Simple