A Fast Start for the New Year Begins Offline


This post is sponsored by Staples. Go to Staples to get all your productivity tools for the new year.

For every small business owner, it is important to have an effective start in January. Getting organized now will set the path for the entire first […]

By |January 7th, 2016|Small Business|Comments Off on A Fast Start for the New Year Begins Offline

2015: What I am Thankful For

family 2015

1. That I can support my family professionally at something I love doing.

2. That my entire family is together for the holiday.

3. That my children are doing well out there in the world

4. Safe airplane travels.

5. My brother-in-law Bill (he always reads this post).

6. Biking […]

By |November 24th, 2015|Small Business, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2015: What I am Thankful For

Guest Post: “Joinership” is the new Leadership

By Nick Goode, Commercial Director at Sage One

leadershipIt’s no secret that most companies value leadership over just about anything else. It’s an attitude reflected in our culture and on the surface, it appears to be the key to success. However, in my experience, there’s another component […]

By |November 12th, 2015|Small Business|Comments Off on Guest Post: “Joinership” is the new Leadership